Real Estate Agents & Closing Attorneys
Open House Signs in Cameron Wood:
Sellers are allowed to post only two (2) open house signs and only on the actual open house day.
If signs are removed by management, they can be found behind the Park Road entrance monuments.
Real Estate closing Information: closing Attorneys should contact the Association Manager, Community Association Management, at 704-565-5009, e-Mail, at the time of sale to obtain information on the status of the property. Please allow three (3) days for us to research our records and respond to you.
Link to Cameron Wood Covenants. Covenants
Link to Cameron Wood By-Laws. By-Laws
For any other information you may require, please contact Community Association Management, 704-565-5009, eMail.
Covenants: It is the responsibility of the closing attorney to provide the buyer with information on the covenants governing the association.
The declaration is public record since it is filed with the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds. As such, the law presumes the property owner to have notice of their existence. The buyer is obligated to abide by them; ignorance is not a defense. The association can proceed with enforcement of the declaration by notifying the property owner of a hearing on a possible violation of the declaration, holding the hearing, and then issuing a notice of the decision. If it is determined that a violation has occurred, the association can assess fines of up to $100.00 a day for each continuing day of the violation. A claim of lien can be filed to collect the fines, and said claim of lien is foreclosed upon just as if the fines were unpaid assessments.
Annual Assessment: The annual assessment is currently $450 annually, as of JANUARY 2024. This covers the calendar year from January 1 to December 31. Due on January 1st of each year, and is past due after January 31st.
Cameron Wood Homeowners Association Mailing Address: Community Association Management, ATTN: CW HOA, PO Box 79032 Charlotte NC 28271-0030
The Cameron Wood community is made up of 804 homes. It was first opened in 1986, with the original builder being UDC Homes. In 1996, the remaining home sites were sold by UDC Homes to David Weekly Homes. Read more about CameronWood's history under the ABOUT tab above.
Cameron Wood Swim & Racquet Club Membership: The beautiful Cameron Wood Swim & Racquet Club is separately owned and operated. CW S&C Club memberships are available to CW residents and a limited number of non-resident members.
Resident members can transfer their current membership with the sale of their home.
Please refer to their website for more information on joining the CW Swim & Racquet Club: